Employment Services
The Opportunity Center, Inc. offers employment services in competitive employment for interested individuals. A placement specialist assists the individual with job development, job placement and on-site job training. Long term follow along support is offered to individuals under the supported employment model. The Opportunity Center works with Vocational Rehabilitation to place participants who need assistance finding employment, acclimating to a job, or on-the-job training. These participants are placed in time-limited job coaching in which services last for ninety days after stabilization, then a successful closure is obtained.
Supported Living Services
The supported living program provides individual intervention and support services to persons with developmental disabilities wishing to live in their own home with the support of a coach. Training is provided in personal and social skills areas as identified by a comprehensive assessment. Community integration, independent living skills, and health and safety are areas that are covered in the training. The supported living coach also assists in developing independent skills such as balancing a checkbook, paying living costs, grocery shopping, and health care appointments and needs.